Divorce and separation impacts family, finances and home

Find an Amicable Solution

Divorce doesn’t need to be painful. Separate on your terms.

Your relationship has broken down. Whether you wanted the relationship to finish or not, doesn’t really matter. Neither party has to prove fault in a divorce application in Australia.

As a result, you may be feeling guilty, angry or resentful. Life just isn’t fair. No matter what emotional state you’re in, right now you need help. Help to resolve your issues, help to set in place a plan to go forward. 

You may also be facing issues relating to children and the separation: these questions need to be answered quickly. These issues need to be worked out for everyone’s sake.

You need to sort out property, assets, living arrangements and a range of other issues. You’re getting advice from just about everyone. Conflicting opinions from friends, family, colleagues only add to your confusion. You’re upset and unsure. That’s where we come in.

If you are ready for practical, down to earth advice, contact us to arrange an initial consultation.

Marriage counselling may not have helped

Hoping it will all go away, hoping it will work itself out without you, is not a viable solution.

You may be thinking about one or more of these common questions:

If your partner keeps changing their mind or moving the goal posts, it’s time to work with a lawyer whose focus is to get you the best possible outcome with the least amount of hassle.

Would you benefit from talking to Jane Guerin to resolve your most immediate questions? Jane will review your situation and give you the practical advice you need right now.

Want to talk?

Our focus is on providing straightforward legal advice to our clients. We spend the time to understand your situation and determine your desired outcomes.

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